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While many abhumans are found in the world non are quite so unique or pervasive. Ranging in features and high all Jötunn share a characteristic look a enlarged nose. They can be found wherever human society lives, most typically under bridges or in the shadows of large cities. Once considered a failed breed of the Goran the jötunn have learned to not only survive but thrive. Their blood can be tracked from the many branches of Goran casts. From the Order of Will they share blood with the Urok and Caveborn. From the Order of Flame the Paragons. The concept from the Moulders was to breed a race to hyper specialized foremen to viciously expand the underground passageway. From the Urok they have a wide strong build although perverted by the blood of the other casts they do not share the Urok's inability to hold fat. Jötunn are known to be very thick and heavy set. From the Cavernborn they did retain an honed innate knowledge of engineering and natural physics but, they also retained the paleness. The Jötunn are unable to even stand in direct sunlight without being burnt. From the Paragon a great creativity of retained perhaps to much so. The Jötunn are nearly unmanageable and unable to hold focus on anything they deem unimportant. Bred for the creation of the God's Way these unique failures were not purged but re-purposed. Given to the Mini Light the race was to be used to seed chaos throughout the world. Taught advanced Psychomancy they have been put to the task of causing unnecessary strife to the peoples of Soi. With their status of failures Gor gave them total freedom to travel and breed so long as their task was performed. Unfortunately for both the Goran nation and the world they were overly successful. Propagating throughout the world they seeded chaos. Providing enough benefit to local people as to not cause genocide but inflicting psychological pain to the world. Whenever they have successfully inflicted mental pain they are known for singing the song of their people.
